MOT working meeting May 14th 2012 Ministry Offices Nanaimo

Today 7 CMRA Members met with 4 High Ranking Ministry Staff to discuss our Interchange proposal, Long story short, the Ministry will be studying our proposal and looking to see what approch to our issue of Highway access will work best for all users and Potential users. No Guarentees yet but we are still at the Table discusing the Issues.

The CMRA will meet again with Ministry Staff in Approximatly 2 Months Time to discuss what is possible in our attempt to create Highway access onto 19.

We will be at the Meadowood store May 26th to discuss highway Access 11:00 am  to 3:00 pm Saturday. We will collect Bottles for exchange.

Hot dogs and Hamburgers  and drinks by donation and Baked goods for sale.

If you would like to donate Baked Goods all donations Gratefully accepted.

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