MOT Road traffic count

Below is an excerpt from emails sent to and from the CMRA / Ministry of Transportation

I am pleased to provide you with some count data that was done acquired between May 29 and June 4. Vehicle count hoses were installed on Baylis Road and Corcan Road to get a better picture of the current traffic patterns in this area.

Summarizing these results
· Average daily traffic on Baylis Road is ~1700 vehicles per day with a roughly equal split in both directions;
· Average daily traffic on Corcan Road is ~1150 vehicles per day, again equally split in both travel directions;
· The 85th percentile travel speed on Baylis Road is between 80-85 km/h. 85th percentile means that 85% of drivers are travelling at or below this speed and 15% of drivers are exceeding this limit. This is a typical value we would look at when discussing speed limits.
· The 85th percentile travel speed on Corcan Road is between 70-75 km/h.
· This analysis shows that travel speeds are higher than the posted limits. I will be sharing this information with the local RCMP and would encourage you to do the same, as they may be able to provide some speed enforcement in this area to help bring down these speeds.

As I am not sure if you already have this data, I have also attached an excel file showing the count data from July 2010. This was a three day count on Corcan Road and the results at this time showed an average daily traffic of ~1375 vehicle per day. This value is actually less than the 2012 count by ~15%. This is likely a reflection of the summer months creating more local trips. Overall, I think we can fairly conclude, based on data, that the volumes have not increased in the past 2 years.

With respect to the traffic study, we have commissioned McElhanney Engineering to put together a high level traffic analysis and cost estimate of the interchange option for Corcan Road. This report is nearing completion upon which time we will share these findings.

In the next 2 weeks, if I don’t have the report in hand, I will have a clear timeline of when this report will be complete. At that time, I can connect with you to set up a time for our next meeting. I think it will be useful to ensure we have all the information in place prior to setting up another get together.

Thank you very much for getting back to me so quickly. We really appreciate all the work that the MOT staff are doing to help us get towards our final goal.

I don’t know if you are aware, but at the Parks Planning Meeting on Saturday the discussion about the private gravel road that goes to Whisky Creek which is normally open during the day during the week may end up being closed permanently once Ozero finishes with his gravel pit. He has indicated to Parks Staff that he intends to retire in approximately three years and has no intention of keeping the license and at that time that road would be closed. If this happens we really would have no way out of here in the event of a disaster. This Highway access is now even more important to us.

Would it be okay for us to post the information on our web-site that you provided in your e-mail about the results of the study? There has been a lot of buzz about the traffic study and everyone is curious about the results.

We look forward to our next meeting. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

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