The Corcan-Meadowood Residents Association has recently learned
that we have lost funding promised to us by the RDN and POSAC.
This funding was designated for developing a community park and
playground in our village center (located behind the Meadowood
store near the fire hall). The promised funding was redirected to the
Errington/Coombs community (also in area F) which has 2 schools
(containing playground equipment) and 3 parks.
Our only park area is Little Qualicum River Falls, but there is no
playground equipment.
This affects all residents! Families with young children as well as
residents who have visitors with young children.
Our plan is to contact the RDN and POSAC to advise them that we
deserve these funds.
We are a newer community experiencing rapid growth and we
anticipate another 300 homes in the area over the next several years.
We are asking for your support by supplying us with information which
will be presented to the RDN and POSAC. Please complete and drop off
at the Meadowood Store or the Home Tek office located within Little
Qualicum Village by Friday June 17th.
Resident Name ____________________________________________________________________
Children’s Names (optional) and ages
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone numbers __________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail __________________________________________________________________________________
We will keep you informed by E-mail.
Questions? Call Elaine Peligren @ 250-816-3130 or Alf Jablonski @ 250-752-7119